Citywire South West 2024

We're excited to announce the return of the Citywire South West Retreat, where the best and the brightest of the wealth management and financial advice communities in the region will gather.

This is your invitation to join us on April 18-19 at the Marriott St. Pierre, Chepstow, for a day and a half filled with valuable insights into the pivotal factors influencing your investment decisions for the upcoming year.

As with all our retreats, attendance is exclusively by invitation, offering you the opportunity to earn up to 8 hours of structured CPD.

We will be addressing the following learning objectives across the event. Attendees will:

  • Acquire valuable insights and strategies on the subjects of business negotiations, persuasion and influence.
  • Gain an understanding of covert action and its impact on the geopolitical landscape, and consequently, its effects on the financial markets.
  • Consider important structural and thematic trends within the macroeconomic landscape, and how this affects clients and consumers. 

Our agenda includes keynote speakers, workshop sessions with top fund managers, and the chance to meet and connect with your colleagues.

We have a fantastic speaker lineup for this year’s retreat, kicking things off with global financial commentator and former BBC business anchor, Susannah Streeter. Leveraging her vast expertise, she plans to present an in-depth analysis of crucial macroeconomic and geopolitical trends that investors should stay informed about. She will also provide insights into current headlines and delve into the underlying dynamics beneath the surface of the daily media coverage.


After lunch we will hear from Rory Cormac, a professor of international relations specializing in geopolitics and covert diplomacy. He will address rising international uncertainty, due to unacknowledged state interference challenging the established liberal rules-based order. He will also emphasize the need for a collaborative whole-of-society approach to build resilience in this evolving landscape.


Finally, we round off the lineup with Graham Cox, an expert on business negotiations, persuasion, and influence. He is set to share practical insights on effectively influencing and earning the trust of clients and colleagues. His approach integrates scientific principles, relying on the latest research data, and leverages his extensive experience as a senior Crown servant.


08:00 - 09:20


09:20 - 09:30

Welcome with Katie Gilfillan

09:30 - 10:30

Conference Session 1 - Susannah Streeter

10:30 - 11:00

Fund Group Workshop 1

11:10 - 11:40

Fund Group Workshop 2

11:50 - 12:20

Fund Group Workshop 3

12:20 - 13:40


13:40 - 14:40

Conference Session 2 - Rory Cormac

14:40 - 15:10

Fund Group Workshop 4

15:20 - 15:50

Fund Group Workshop 5

16:00 - 16:30

Fund Group Workshop 6

16:40 - 17:10

Fund Group Workshop 7

19:30 - 20:00

Drinks Reception

20:00 - 23:00

Table planned dinner


09:15 - 10:15

Conference session 3 - Graham Cox

10:15 - 10:45

Fund Group Workshop 8

10:55 - 11:25

Fund Group Workshop 9

11:35 - 12:05

Fund Group Workshop 10

12:05 - 13:20

Buffet Lunch

Katie Gilfillan
Head of Audience Development UK
Cansu Akkus
Audience Development Executive
Citywire Wealth Manager



Keynote Speakers


